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Publicity Information

Preliminary Organisation

Show Publicists

  • All shows will be allotted one or two publicists and one or two photographers: please let current internal publicity manager (Nick Barker) know ASAP if you already have someone in mind so we can ring-fence the slot.
  • Once these people are allotted to your show, we recommend that you meet up, make introductions and talk through the basic premise of your show along with any specific publicity plans so they know what they are advertising and can coordinate with you to create the strongest publicity campaign possible.
  • A show publicist’s role is not set in stone for the simple reason that every show will have different requirements, we advise just keeping your publicists in the loop and trying to have as many face to face meetings as possible.
  • Jobs that a show publicist’s role entails (but aren’t limited to) are distributing printed publicity throughout campus, flyering and exit flyering, and distributing additional publicity materials in town.

Ideas for printed materials

  • Start thinking about your printed publicity materials early so there is plenty of time to get it organised.
  • Make sure that your printed materials follow the guidelines set out within the publicity guide.
  • Sometimes external companies (newspapers etc) will help with publicity but may need the image far in advance.
  • Contact one of the publicity managers (Nick Barker or Dan O'Connor) if you are struggling for ideas or need a photographer/artist and we can see if we can point you in the right direction.

Requirements for Printed Materials

  • 2, A2, Colour Posters (For display in Theatre Window)
  • 50, A3, colour posters
  • 125, A6, 200gsm, colour flyers
  • 150 8 page A5 programs (8 color pages)
  • 1 2m Banner - £15 of total cost of the banner has to be contributed by the show's budget.
  • Printed materials will be paid for by the theatre (not from your budget) in the quantities listed above. If you wish to order larger quantities or any other specific pieces of printed publicity such as banners they will come from your own budget.
  • ALL printed materials must include the NNT logo, Student Union Logo, any sponsor logos, and times, dates, show prices, and box office and website information in the banner to be placed at the bottom of your poster. The only thing that may be edited within the banner (outside of the text) is the background which may be all purple, all black, or transparent (to any degree).
  • Please ensure that all printed materials include the playwright’s name,the NNT banner and that the images used are not copyrighted. Check with publishers that you have included all necessary information in the right size font (some have restrictions).
  • Posters should be saved as a press ready .pdf to be printed and should be designed in a CMYK colour space. You should also save a .png copy for use online.
  • Please also send the poster's source photoshop file to the publicity Manager's in event that any last minute changes need to be made.
  • Please ensure that all printed materials fulfil any stipulations noted by the publisher (these are usually noted in the front of the script, but it is worth emailing to double check) and that the images and fonts used are not copyrighted.
  • All printed materials MUST be sent to BOTH the Internal or External Marketing Manager BEFORE printing in order to avoid any unnecessary mistakes.
  • All printed materials will be ordered through the SU print shop by one of the Publicity Managers.
  • The SU require at least 48 hours to print materials, although this is changeable due to increased demand in specific weeks. It may be worth checking in with the print shop to ask about waiting times.


  • When ordering your programs remember that they must include the posters of the Fringe and In-house show of the following week -if problems arise with these not being ready on time, please contact one of the Publicity Managers as soon as possible.
  • Photos of cast and a list of previous shows must be provided.
  • Show programs must follow the downloadable template available on the New Theatre Wiki. If you just want to talk it through with a human, please feel free to call or message Nick and he’ll explain it.
  • Additional pages can be purchased for the programs depending on the size of the cast. This is typically covered by the publicity budget.

Deadlines for Printed Materials

  • The image of the poster and flyer must be ready 14 days before the first night of your show.
  • Programs must be ready by 10pm on the Sunday before your show. (We realise this is tricky, please just stay in contact with us and we can negotiate.) We'll typically send them to be printed monday morning, so last minute changes can be made within reason.
  • Please check the Publicity calendar for the exact dates your show publicity items are due.

Social Media

  • The Facebook event for your show will be made a week before (after 730pm on Wednesday).
  • Any information needed for the event MUST be sent via e-mail or private message on Facebook to the external marketing manager at least one day in advance of the event being made. This includes the blurb for your play, date of your Q&A and details of your cast and crew.
  • The changing of profile pictures, statuses about the show, videos and images being posted should all commence once the final show of the previous production has finished (Saturday post 730 PM). This is too prevent too many different profile pictures and information being uploaded at once with already 2 shows and a fundraiser on that week most likely.
  • Profile Pictures on Facebook should include the NNT banner-remind cast and crew when you post the image on your Facebook page. In the caption of the photo please ask them to put a link to the event.

Production Shots

  • Production Shots should take place prior to your first show, please arrange in advance. It is best to have them taken during your dress run.
  • If they absolutely cannot take place prior to your first show please organise them as early on into the show week as possible.
  • We can help arrange a production photographer to take photographs, but you need to let us know!



  • In-house season shows that have a show immediately preceding them may only begin internal advertising from midday on Saturday of the preceding shows run.
  • It is recommended that roughly 80% of posters must be displayed around campus (Portland, Trent, LASS, Hallward and Clive Granger are the main areas to target).
  • Do not pin posters on the walls of the library unless in a designated poster area.
  • We will exit flyer for you during the preceding show's run, however we would encourage you to also spend some time flyering at other locations.
  • Encourage flyering between the hours of 11-2: busiest times of the day.
  • Hall shout-outs at Saturday Brunch can be particularly effective as the Saturday matinee is often low on numbers and its only £2.50 for freshers.
  • Let the Internal or External Marketing Manager know if there are any relevant societies or departments that might be interested in the show so they can be e-mailed the appropriate information.
  • IMPACT and TAB will review your show on opening night-this does not need to be organized separately.


  • External publicity and marketing can commence at any time but please let the External Marketing Manager know of your plans in advance.
  • If you need any ideas or want to ask any questions regarding External Publicity, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the External Marketing Manager (Daniel O’Connor).
  • Further to IMPACT and the TAB feel free to organise external reviewers to come and see your show (Left Lion, Nottingham Post, Beeston People). Be sure to let the Front of House Manager (Ginny Lee) know if any extra reviewers are attending so she can set them aside a complimentary ticket.
  • Exit Flyering is possible at the Nottingham Playhouse and Lacemarket Theatre however, this has to be done on a case by case basis. If a show wishes to exit flyer at the Playhouse/Lacemarket, please contact the External Marketing Manager early into the season so we can try and arrange this.
  • Delivery of Flyers to external locations will be the responsibility of the producer, but instructions will be provided by the External Publicity Manager.


  • Stash needs be ordered from Red Oak Roller via the university page. You can also contact and ask/order stash there.
  • Once stash has arrived, it can only been worn once the saturday evening show has started.
  • Also, please make sure that the stash has the dates of your show on it, as well the playwright.
  • We advise not to have full posters on the back of the stash, rather just the title, as the former looks rather tacky.

Contact Details

If you need to contact either manager for whatever reason, do not hesitate to do so!


Beth Mullen

Ted Marriott

publicity/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/22 00:57 by Sam Osborne