20: 2x1m Prolyte 'StageDex' deck
3: 1x1m Prolyte 'StageDex' deck
legs (length indicates finished deck height):
3: 10ft door flats (standard width)
2: 8ft door flats (wide ~98cm width)
1: 8ft double door flat set (some assembly required)
2: 8ft door flat
3: solid doors
2: doors with decorative 'glass' pane full length
1: door where top half has 'glass' pane
2: 10ft window flats
1: 8ft window flat
9: 10ft fl ats
9: 8ft flats
2: 8ft half-width flats
1: 1.5ft flat extension
1: 1/2ft flat extension
2: 10ft fabric covered flats
2: triangle brace (A-frame) made from 2×2
9: triangle brace tall and narrow made from 1×3
3: french brace (adjustable length)
15: stage weights
* 2: 1.5m long x 2 steps 20cm and 40cm
* 2: single steps 20cm height
drawing of flat
3-View drawing of 4x8 platform
Training in workshop areas can be found on the Training site
If using any flammable materials, including (but not limited to) paper, cardboard, (externally purchased) fabrics, you will need to use flame-proof spray called flamebar (pronounced 'flam-bar'). You will need to budget for this, and can find it in various quantities online.
The Auditorium stage and wings are painted black with Flints. You can buy it in 5L tins, and are around £20+VAT+delivery per tin. It takes around 75% of one tin to get an even coat on the stage floor, and approximately a full tin if you include the wings.
The stage will be painted at the beginning of every In-House season, and it is the responsibility of shows to purchase paint and repaint it black should it get painted for the show.