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NNT Constitution




1.1. This body shall be known as the 'The Nottingham New Theatre' (hereinafter referred to as 'the Theatre').

1.2. The Nottingham New Theatre shall be a Student-Run Service of the University of Nottingham Students’ Union.

1.3. The Theatre shall produce regular performances on campus which appeal to the students and staff of the University of Nottingham as well as the general public.


The Nottingham New Theatre Committee will strive:

2.1. To provide an environment in which all members, regardless of experience and ability, can exercise and further their interests in theatre.

2.2. To maximise the amount of opportunities available to all members, by providing a stable and professional infrastructure which allows members to produce the highest quality theatre possible.

2.3. To offer information and support to all members involved in any activities relating to The Nottingham New Theatre.

2.4. To create a vibrant and busy social community, which is welcoming to all.

2.5. To ensure the theatre runs efficiently as a business, meeting all financial goals determined by ourselves and the Students’ Union.

2.6. To ensure all activities adhere to Students’ Union health and safety guidelines and to provide appropriate training to all members.

2.7. To ensure the building is in a well-maintained, safe and presentable state at all times.

2.8. To create a positive and proactive committee environment, in which we communicate and support each other to achieve our goals.

2.9. To provide members with information on all decisions taken by the committee to ensure accountability and transparency.

2.10. To promote and develop our national status as a theatre company and to ensure the company we pass on to our successors is notably improved, where appropriate, to that which we inherited.


3.1. Membership shall be open to all Full Members of the University of Nottingham Students’ Union.

3.2. Membership shall also be open to Associate Members of the University of Nottingham Students’ Union and is accepted at the discretion of the Committee.

3.3. Annual membership fees shall be set by the Committee and reviewed annually.


4.1. The Executive Officers of the Nottingham New Theatre shall consist of a: President Theatre Manager Treasurer Productions Coordinator Secretary Company Technical Director Technical Manager Workshop Manager X2 Social Secretary Costume and Props Manager Publicity and Internal Marketing Manager Publicity and External Marketing Manager Fundraising Coordinator Fringe Coordinator Front of House Manager Company Stage Manager

4.2. The Committee shall have weekly meetings during term-time.

4.3. The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee is exactly or more than half the voting members.


5.1. President

The President has overall responsibility for the promotion and development of the Theatre and for the welfare of its members. He/She shall have overall responsibility for the management of the theatre and is responsible, in coordination with the Theatre Manager, for ensuring that the Theatre is kept in a safe and usable condition. The President, along with the Treasurer, shall oversee any contractual affairs involving the theatre. The President has overall responsibility in maintaining the theatre’s relationship with the Student’s Union and the University. The President shall undertake the necessary weekly admin regarding the running of the theatre, organise and chair weekly committee meetings and oversee the work of fellow committee members, promoting coordination between the roles.

5.2. Theatre Manager

The Theatre Manager is responsible for the running and maintenance of the Theatre as a venue. He/She shall be the designated health and safety officer for the Theatre, which will include organising first aid training for all committee at the start of the academic year and liaising with the SU Health & Safety Officer. He/She will be in charge of the Theatre’s insurance, making sure a current list of all equipment is kept and updated, and forwarded on to the Students’ Union. He/She must be at each get-in to ensure that the building itself is in adequate order for the next show to proceed. He/She shall be responsible for organising weekly ‘Logistics Meeting’ with the relevant production and executive members. He/She must carry out health and safety talks with the new cast and crew at the get-in. He/She must then walk through the building with the next show’s Director and Producer ensuring they are happy with the building before they hand them their keys for the week.

5.3. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial management of the Theatre and shall set and oversee the production budgets. The Treasurer shall organise budget meetings the week after casting to meet with the director and producer of each production in order to assign a budget and discuss this in detail with the production team. He/She shall attend the weekly production meetings. The Treasurer is responsible, along with the President, for contractual matters in the theatre. The Treasurer shall establish a budget for the academic year and submit a financial report at the end of that year to the Committee. He/She shall publish the budgets for each production at the end of the season and make financial information public. The Treasurer shall be responsible for submitting regular cash flow forecasts to the Student’s Union Treasury. The Treasurer is responsible for the financial planning of all activities to ensure profits are made to fund the theatre’s day-to-day activities. The Treasurer shall not be a final year student.

5.4. Productions Coordinator

The Productions Co-ordinator is responsible for the productions performed by the Theatre. The Co-ordinator is the direct link between Directors and Producers and the Committee and shall guide Directors and Producers to the relevant committee member. He/she shall liaise with Directors and Producers over all aspects of production and provide support wherever necessary. He/she shall draw up a Code of Practice for the running of productions by the beginning of the academic year and ensure that this is given to all Directors and Producers and shall be overall in charge of the welfare of Productions. They shall be responsible for chairing the proposals and casting meetings, for organising audition locations and AGM paperwork and encouraging the directors and producers to attend a weekly production meeting. They shall also be responsible for organising regular meetings with other committee members who are a part of the production team.

5.5. Secretary

The Secretary shall be in charge of taking the minutes of all committee meetings. He/She shall maintain the membership records and issue membership cards along with the Treasurer. He/She shall be responsible for the receipt of and response to any external mail sent to the Company both by post and email. He/She shall be responsible for weekly communications to the membership through a weekly email. The Secretary shall update the Theatre Website weekly as well as bring up to date any new information required on any of the other pages (i.e. current productions, committee contacts, list of fellows/awards). He/She is additionally in charge of posting recall lists after auditions, running committee hustings and the running of the Boat Party Awards.

The Secretary is the official Welfare Officer for the Nottingham New Theatre. It is the duty of the secretary to ensure that no activities are exclusive of any member and that no activity is knowingly undertaken that would be detrimental to a member’s well-being. The Secretary is the primary person that members should contact if they are experiencing any kind of problem with the Nottingham New Theatre or its activities.

5.6. Company Technical Director

The Company Technical Director shall be responsible for the safe training of all users of equipment. All training must be recorded. He/She must hold regular training sessions, with an absolute minimum of one per term. He/She shall ensure that there is an appropriate technical crew to work with each production and that this is arranged in advance. (A technical crew requires a technical director, a lighting designer, a sound designer if required by the production and several operators). He/She is the first point of contact regarding technical needs or matters within the Theatre. He/She will oversee and encourage the involvement of new people within the technical side of the theatre. He/She shall have overall responsibility for the Technical Department of the Theatre.

5.7. Technical Manager

The Technical Manager shall be responsible for the safe maintenance of all lighting/sound equipment. He/She is responsible for keeping record of all lighting/sound equipment that needs PAT testing. He/She is responsible for the PAT testing of all aforementioned technical equipment, as well as general theatre electrical equipment when it is required, whether undertaken themselves with certified training, or organising the hire of a certified PAT tester. He/She shall be responsible for keeping PAT testing records and submitting them to the SU Health & Safety Officer upon request. He/She is responsible for keeping the Tech box and Tech store in a tidy state. He/She shall oversee the hire or loan of equipment to and from the theatre. He/She shall be responsible for the safe training of all users of this equipment alongside the Technical Director. He/she shall be responsible for restocking the basic necessary technical goods.

5.8. Workshop Manager(s)

The Workshop Manager must ensure that the workshop is a safe and tidy area to work in and that all members are fully trained before using any equipment within it. He/She must ensure the upkeep and maintenance of all equipment in the workshop and certify that all equipment is safe to use. He/She must supervise the disposal of all items of set and must verify that it complies with council requirements. He/She must provide comprehensive advice to the following week’s production on how to construct the set in a quick and safe manner. The Workshop Manager is responsible for organising at least one training day per term to teach members and Committee to be safe in the workshop and He/She must keep record of the appropriate paperwork. The Workshop Manager must enforce the rule that the production team of each week’s show must clean and tidy the workshop on Thursdays so that next week’s show can begin construction. He/She shall be the main point of information on set building for the Theatre. He/She will organise a terminal workshop to teach others about the basic principles of set design. He/She will need to be aware of what materials are available in the workshop. He/She shall ensure that set designs for each production are made in advance and shall work with the Company Stage Manager in advising set designers about staging requirements.

5.9. Social Secretary

The Social secretary shall be responsible for the organisation of social events, such as promotion of weekly after parties and production fundraisers, and the organisation of Media Ball and the end of year Boat Party. He/She must work to ensure cohesion in a social context and the accessibility of the theatre to all students using methods such as the ‘Theatre Parents’ system. The Social Secretary shall also be responsible for coordinating a varied programme of theatre related events, such as technical workshops, new writing scratch nights and the weekly Drama Club. The Social Secretary shall also be responsible for arranging to see external performances, as well as organising University theatre swaps.

5.10. Costume, Props and Make-up Manager

The Costume, Props and Make-Up Manager shall be a point of contact for directors and producers for the organisation of costume, props and make-up assistants/artists for each production if required. He/She shall organise the provision of props and costume for each production with the Director/Producer. He/She shall be responsible for the issue and return of props and costume, all of which should be signed out by the Director/Producer of each show as and when required. He/She shall keep a record of all items loaned to other societies and SRSs. He/She shall ensure that the costume cupboard is consistently in a tidy and proper condition. He/She will maintain and regularly update the costume and props catalogue and organise the costumes and props accordingly. Where possible, He/She will organise workshops for the education and enjoyment of members relating to costume, props and/or make-up.

5.11. Publicity Managers

Both Publicity Managers must work together to ensure that The In-House Season and Fringe productions are well attended, and that the Theatre is a well-publicised and popular theatre on campus and in Nottingham. Efforts to increase marketing of the theatre as a whole should be made throughout the year.

Weekly duties include: Being in direct contact with Directors, Producers and the Coordinators of the In-House Season and Fringe Season, to aid publicising productions. He/She shall use the Publicists to carry out publicity efforts weekly on and off University campuses. He/She must update the student portal with information about the current week’s productions. He/She shall be responsible for creating all Facebook events for In-house Season and Fringe shows. He/She shall be responsible for the weekly publicising of all productions via social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter etc.), as well as publicising to the university, and other appropriate organisations and businesses. He/She must send weekly emails to University school departments, advertising what shows are on that week and promoting the message that all staff and students are welcome. He/She must arrange photographers to take production shots of each Season and Fringe play. He/She must arrange for a trailer to be filmed for each Season production prior to the performance (and if possible, for each Fringe show, but this is dependent on availability and the location of the Fringe performance). He/She must arrange for each In-house Season and Fringe show to be reviewed (by Impact Magazine as well as external reviewers such as LeftLion etc.). He/She shall be responsible for maintaining a physical archive (to be regularly handed over to Manuscripts and Archives on King’s Meadow Campus), and the Productions Archive section of the Theatre website to include photographs, poster images and programmes of In-house Season and Fringe shows.

5.11.1. Publicity and Internal Marketing Manager

The long term goals of the Publicity and Internal Marketing Manager include: Working closely with each production (In-house Season and Fringe) to market the theatre as a whole in the best way possible across all campuses. He/She is responsible for assembling and organising Publicists to carry out publicity efforts on and off University campuses and work to maintain the team by organising socials and encouraging involvement in publicity stunts. He/She must create Season Overview publicity, AGM flyers and any other extra events that the Theatre is responsible for, or otherwise coordinate the creation of such publicity. He/She must ensure publicity material is distributed across all campuses and that publicists are carrying out their duties to cover halls, departments and other public spaces. He/She must work to make the Theatre a constant presence on all campuses, and promote the message that all students and staff are welcome to all shows. He/She must create relationships with appropriate departments and societies through which to publicise the Theatre, such as the school of English, the school of Business (for producers), Photography Society, Film Making Society, Creative Writing Society etc.

5.11.2. Publicity and External Marketing Manager

The long term goals of the Publicity and External Marketing Manager include: Working closely with each production (In-house Season and Fringe) to market the theatre as a whole in the best way possible across the city. He/She must work to make the Theatre a recognised Arts Centre in Nottingham, and making seeing a show at the Theatre an alluring and viable option for all theatre-goers across the city. He/She must nurture already formed relationships with outside theatres including the Nottingham Playhouse, Lace market Theatre, Lakeside Arts Centre and the Theatre Royal. He/She must work on new ways to further these relationships and create marketing opportunities through them. He/She must look to form new relationships with remaining theatres across Nottingham. He/She must look to form new relationships with external reviewers. He/She must ensure publicity material is distributed throughout businesses and public venues across the city, e.g., season flyers and posters in cafes, pubs, restaurants and shops etc. He/She must work with the Social Secretary to promote the name of the Theatre throughout other Universities, by promoting and publicising theatre swaps.

5.12. Fundraising Co-ordinator

The Fundraising Coordinator shall be dedicated to the improvement of the Theatre by seeking sponsorship for the theatre as a whole. He/She shall also provide assistance to all those seeking additional finance for individual shows, including In-House Season, Fringe and Edinburgh productions, and take a proactive stance in ensuring that these objectives are met. They must maintain contact with all show producers regularly, and attend the first productions meeting of the In-House, Fringe and Edinburgh shows each season. He/She shall ensure continuity of relations and be the main point of contact with all external sponsors and financial stakeholders. He/She shall agree with the President and Treasurer on long term funding goals according to theatre need and work towards achieving them. He/She shall also apply to grant making bodies including the Arts Council to obtain funding for various theatre goals.

5.13. Fringe Coordinator

The Fringe Coordinator is responsible for managing all Theatre involvement in festivals external to Nottingham, this will primarily involve the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The Fringe Coordinator is the first point of contact between the Company and the Fringe Office. He/She shall request and receive the relevant information and make this available to prospective Directors. He/She shall be responsible for chairing the proposals and casting meetings, for organising audition locations, and contacting venues. He/She shall maintain records of all projects past and present and shall be devoted to raising funds for Edinburgh and any other projects deemed to be appropriate. Additionally, He/She will be responsible for organising the Fringe Seasons. The Coordinator is the direct link between Fringe production teams and the Committee. He/She shall liaise with Directors and Producers over all aspects of production and provide support wherever necessary (in conjunction with the Fringe Production Pack). He/She shall take a proactive approach in finding and encouraging Directors and Producers, and helping to match Director-Producer teams, especially using the proposals meeting as a forum for this. Before Proposals meeting He/She is responsible for speaking to every proposing production to ensure they are provided with full information of how the Fringe Season runs, and given direct, practical advice on making their proposal as good as possible. He/She shall be responsible for chairing the proposals and casting meetings, for organising audition locations and facilitating communication between Fringe and In-House shows. He/She shall also be responsible for providing all those involved in Fringe with a Productions Pack, and is responsible for updating this document before the start of every Fringe Season.

5.14. Front of House Manager

The Front of House Manager shall be responsible for ticketing and refreshments sales with the aim of raising funds for the theatre. He/She shall be responsible for compiling reservations lists for both In-house Season and Fringe shows, and ensure that reservation lists are available at least 30 minutes prior to each performance. He/She shall be responsible for the overall smooth running of performances and shall assign Front of House duties to all Committee members weekly. He/She shall be responsible for professionalism on show nights in all areas, including announcements. He/She shall ensure that necessary safety equipment (such as torches) is available on all show nights. He/She shall ensure that the theatre is stocked with necessary refreshments. He/she shall compile records of sales to give to the Treasurer to present in his/her regular report of finances to the committee. He/She shall work with the Publicity Managers to ensure that the foyer is maintained and decorated in such a way as to reflect the strong and positive physical presence the Theatre has on campus. The Front of House Manager is responsible for making sure the license of the bar is complied with as well as purchasing stock and stock taking, general maintenance of the bar and is responsible for training all committee members to manage the bar on show nights. The Front of House Manager is also responsible for the cleanliness and look of the second foyer, used for Fringe shows.

5.15. Company Stage Manager

The Company Stage Manager shall coordinate and run the get-outs and get-ins for theatre season productions. If they are unable to attend a get-in, it is his/her responsibility to appoint a substitute. He/she along with the Theatre Manager shall ensure the get-outs and get-ins are conducted in a safe manner in accordance with any and all relevant risk assessments and method statements/ standard operating procedures. The Company Stage Manager (along with the theatre manager, workshop managers, and tech manager or company TD) shall attend the ‘Logistics meeting’ for each production in order to understand the elements of the show. Based on this meeting the Company Stage Manager will develop a plan for the show’s Get-In and Get-out in cohesion with that shows producer. He/She shall work with Directors/Producers to organise stage managers and stage hands for every show. He/She is also responsible for ensuring that each stage manager is provided with adequate guidance and support for them to fulfil their role. He/She will ensure that the communication system is in working order for every show and report any problems to the Theatre Manager or Technical Manager as soon as possible.


6.1. All Executive Officers are required to attend weekly Committee meetings and must send proper apologies for absence in advance to the Secretary

6.2. A Theatre Officer (Executive or non-Executive) is deemed to have resigned immediately following a motion of 'No Confidence' being carried by a two thirds majority at AGM or EGM or two thirds majority at a meeting of the Executive Committee. For such a vote to be taken at least half of the Company Officers must be present.

6.3. A Theatre Executive Officer is deemed to have resigned immediately following an unexplained absence from committee activity of three weeks or longer.

6.4. All Officers shall give a full written handover to their successor.

6.5. All Officers will be jointly responsible for the upkeep and tidiness of the Theatre and will be required to clean the Theatre when necessary.


7.1. At least two General Meetings of the Company shall be each year, no later than by the fourth Friday of each semester.

7.2. The Committee shall announce a General Meeting each term at which the programme for the term is to be announced.

7.3. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by three Officers of the Company or by twenty members. This must immediately be relayed to the Secretary who will then inform the Students’ Union General Secretary within two Students’ Union Days of the original notice. The meeting may be held at any time after this two-day period has expired.

7.4. There shall be at least 10 Students’ Union days notice before an AGM or elections date is called.


8.1. All Officers shall be elected at either a General Meeting, Annual General Meeting (AGM) or an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

8.2. Voting shall be by single transferable vote and secret ballot.

8.3. Only fully paid members of the Theatre are eligible to run in or vote in elections.

8.4. In order for voting to be quorate, a minimum of 10% of the membership or 30 members, whichever is fewer, must be present.

8.5. If an Officer resigns during the course of their term, nominations should open within fourteen days to fill the position and a bi-election held as soon as possible.

8.6. The Executive Committee can appoint an Interim Officer whilst this process takes place if necessary.


9.1. The Company shall submit an application for a grant to the Students’ Union Treasurer as requested and shall also be financed by a combination of income from the Company's productions and other fund-raising.

9.2. All monies shall be used to promote the Theatre's activities.

9.3. All monies shall be held at the Students’ Union Treasury.


10.1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the committee and a simple majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting of the Theatre Company

10.2. Any amendment is subject to ratification by Students’ Union Council.

archived/constitution.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/22 01:02 by Sam Osborne